The BPIF Cartons yearlet contains a full listing with contact details of our member companies including converters, partners, Paper and Board Association members and the trade associations that we work closely with. The yearlet also gives details of our activities over the last 12 months and includes industry information in terms of tonnages and sales by market sector. It is an essential read for anyone associated with the Carton industry.
Please remember that this document is a member benefit and should not be shared outside of your organisation.
- Insurance BPIF Insurance Services is the insurance and risk management service designed specifically for the needs of UK printers and packagers and is exclusive to BPIF members.
- Pensions With over £150 million in funds, the Printing Industry Pension Scheme (PIPS) is the first choice for many members.
- Healthcare When key people in your business fall ill, you’ll naturally want to give them the best chance of a speedy recovery. To help with this process, we offer a unique health insurance scheme.
- RAC The BPIF has added its buying power to that of the BOSS Federation to provide BPIF members with huge savings on RAC Business breakdown cover.
- R&D Tax Credits The BPIF have teamed up with R&D Tax specialist Abbey Tax to help members identify and claim tax credits for any development work undertaken.
- Energy Management The BPIF have teamed up with Inenco to provide members with an end-to-end utility solution.
- Member Downloads
- BPIF Cartons Newsletter
- Webinars
- Extended Producer Responsibility
BPIF Cartons, our objectives
Industry Statistics
How Cartons are made
The life cycle of a carton – CartonVille
BPIF Cartons Committes
Partner Trade Associations
Technical Toolkit
Information Sheets
A Sustainable Solution
Carbon Footprint
Ticking all the Boxes